NEEEC Saeed Almaktoum Endurance 66 Marathon

Santarena Park, Scottsdale



  • Marathon 240km - $150 entry fee – starting 05:00 Friday
    >> 240km event (80km each day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
    >> 1 horse, 1 rider
    >> Novice horses and novice rider rules for distance restrictions apply
    >> Start time 5am Friday
    >> Course opens at 5am Fri,Sat,Sun for first leg of the day.
    >> Course opens at 12 noon Fri,Sat,Sun for second leg of the day.
    >> Course closes at 5pm Fri,Sat,Sun
  • Mini Marathon 120km – $90 entry fee – starting 07:30 each day
    >> 120km event (40km each day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
    >> 1 horse, 1 rider
  • 80km Endurance Rides - $70 entry fee - starting 07:00
    >> 80km rides are being run on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  • 40km Training Rides - $45 entry fee - starting 07:30
    >> 40km rides are being run on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  • 20km Introductory Ride - $35 entry fee - starting 09:00
    >> Saturday only
  • 5km Introductory Ride - $25 entry fee - starting 09:03
    >> Saturday only
  • Vetting on Thursday afternoon from 3pm and on Friday morning from 5-6am
  • Vetting will also be available on Friday and Saturday between vetting of the competing riders.
  • Vetting for the 20km and 5km rides will from 7.15 till 8.15am on Saturday, or during the day on Friday.
  • Briefings for Marathon at 18:00 daily, prior to following day's ride
  • Mini marathon, 80km and 40km rides will be held daily at 6.20am.
  • The briefing for the 20km and 5km rides will be on Saturday at 8.20am.
  • Any offers of help from TPR's would be greatly appreciated.
  • A canteen, run by the North East Pony Club, will be available from Thursday evening till Monday morning. Evening meals will be available.
  • Two skips will be on site. One for manure and hay, the other for general rubbish. Thank you for helping us keep the site clean.
  • Due to the very dry season NO FIRES are allowed
  • No smoking on track
  • NTARC will be supplying Safety Communications and RFID logging at this event.
  • Helmet tags will be fitted to all 80Km and 40Km riders. Please present your helmet/s to the Communications Trailer as early as possible.
  • The Comms Trailer will be located near the canteen.
  • The trailer has had some modifications made and now has a service window on the rear of the trailer for enquiries and fitting of tags on the helmets.
  • The usual service of music and strapper calls will be broadcast on FM 87.8 MHz
  • Online entries - entries close Tuesday 22nd March 2016
  • Alternatively, phone entries to Megan a'Campo on 03 6334 7775 (BH) 0437 505 070 (AH)
  • Santarena Park, Bridport/Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale

Important Changes to Ride Entries

There have been some changes in the AERA rule book that will affect the way you enter rides as of 1 January 2016.  A trainer's declaration must now be completed for each horse entering a ride. For convenience, the declaration will be included on the reverse of the entry form that you sign when entering.

However, if you are riding a horse that you have not trained yourself then you need to have the trainer of the horse sign this form. If the trainer of the horse is not going to be at the ride then you must download the declaration (Form 35) separately, have it signed by the trainer of the horse and bring it to the ride where it will be attached to your ride entry form.

An important part of this rule is section 43.7  For endurance and marathon rides, the trainer must be a full riding adult or junior member of a division association.

If you ride as a ‘jockey’ for someone else this is important information.  Please note that the trainer’s declaration is already included on the second page of the entry form, so you would only need to use Form 35 if the trainer isn’t present at the ride

From the rule book:

27.6       A ride entry shall not be accepted unless the appropriate ‘Trainers Declaration’ for the horse is completed on the ride entry form or accompanies the ride entry form pursuant to Clause 43.5.
43.5       Every horse in every ride, shall require a ‘trainer’s declaration’ for the horse, which may be completed on the ride entry form or attached separately to the ride entry form using AERA Form 35 Trainers Declaration.
43.6       For introductory, intermediate, micro-marathon and mini-marathon rides, the trainer of the horse does not need to be a full riding adult or junior member of a DA.
43.7       For endurance and marathon rides, the trainer of the horse must be a full riding adult or junior member of a DA.
43.8       it shall be a serious infringement of this Rulebook for a person to lodge a false ‘trainers declaration’.
43.9       Where the rider is not the trainer of the horse, the rider shall make reasonable enquiry of the trainer of the horse to satisfy themselves that the horse will compete free of any Banned or Prohibited Substances pursuant to Section 5 EADCM Rules.