Tasmanian State Championships
Tasmanian State Championship Committee, Inc.
Sassafras, 2018-June-8 & 9


Distance Start Time Cost
160km 00:00 $160
95km elevator 04:00 $95
40km 10:00 $40

  • LEGS
    • The 160km ride will be held as 5 legs - 40, 40,40, 25 & 15km
    • The 95km ride will be held as 3 legs - 40, 40 & 15km. Both 160 and 95 rides are elevated, meaning you can retire at any leg after 80km, or continue on to finish.
  • BIOSECURITY Gate will be open between 1:00pm and 8.00pm on Friday, reopening at midnight. ALL horses at the ride MUST submit a 3 day temperature log for each horse entering the ride base. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE LOG MEANS NO ENTRY TO THE RIDE BASE
  • PRE-RIDE VETTING Friday afternoon from approx. 14:00 onwards. Also 40km riders can vet Saturday morning.
  • BRIEFINGS for 95 and 160 rides will be held Friday 18:30, including a walk through of Vet Gate Into Hold. Briefing for the 40km ride will be Saturday 09:30
  • VET-GATE-INTO-HOLD for the 160km & 95km rides. This means that your ride time doesn’t stop until you present to the vet. Don’t panic if you are unsure as the walkthrough Friday evening will clear it all up. The 40km will be normal TPR if busy.
  • BEST CONDITIONED run outs will be held at approx 08:00 Sunday morning – the top 5 in each ride in each division will be asked to present (possibility of under saddle as well). If it's wet - best conditioned will be done 30 minutes after each of the top five in each division completes - not under saddle, just normal BC checks.
  • PRESENTATIONS will be advised at the Pre-ride Briefing.


  • It's hoped to trial the new timing system for entry, exit and vetting.
  • NTARC will be checkpoint coordinators
  • If you can volunteer at any stage over the weekend – it would be greatly appreciated – let’s make it a fantastic event!
  • A canteen will be provided by Helen Dick.
  • A huge thank-you to our wonderful sponsors Team Walsh, Wattlewood Park - Perry family, Ayres family x 2, Malricia Arabians - Lamprey family, Andrew Miles and Celine Lee
  • Contact Pam Shadbolt 0409 423 432 for any queries. Please get your entries in early to help with organising :-)


  • Online entries will close Tuesday June-5
  • Please use the online entry-from below
  • Alternatively, phone entries to Pam Shadbolt on 0409 423 432


  • The ride base is at Pat & Dicky Lamprey’s property, 125 Smith & Others Rd, Sassafras, Tasmania.
  • Click on the red map pin below to get directions via Google Maps, or zoom in for more detail.