2019 Rider Awards
Presented 1 Feb 2020
Bella-Grace Bass
Junior - Distance Rider
728km and Points 48
Steve Wilson
Heavyweight - Distance Rider
564km and Points 38
Tara Nicklason
Middleweight - Distance Rider
888km and Points 64.7
Kirstie Lockhart
Lightweight Distance Rider
888km and Points 70
Wendy Rand
Middleweight R/up Distance Rider 808km and R/up Points 58
Angela Hawks
R/Up Lightweight Distance Rider 808km and R/up Points 43.5
Jessica Goulding
R/Up Junior Distance Rider
648km and R/up Points 44.5
Craig Wall
R/Up Heavyweight Distance
Rider 324km
Greg Henry
R/Up Heavyweight Points Rider
Reg Mahoney Shield Greatest Distance across Australia
Trish Smith with Beaucheval Akhiran
Halla Parr
Intermediate Rider of the Year
Yvonne Downes
R/up Intermediate
Rider of the Year