Test Entry


Distance Start Time Cost
80km 07:00 $80
40km 08:00 $50
20km 09:00 $30

Day Riders - in lieu Membership and Public Liability Insurance add $20

  • GATES OPEN Friday noon and from 05:00 Saturday. Please have your 4 day horse health declarations (3 days plus day of pre-ride vetting) and COVID Declaration (see later instruction) ready.
  • PRE-RIDE VETTING Friday 16:00 to 18:00 and minimal preride vetting on Saturday. Please contact Debbie if you would like to request preride vetting on Saturday morning. Normal AERA vetting.
  • BRIEFINGS - Saturday > 80km - 06:15 > 40km - 07:15 > 20km - 08:15


  • The polocrosse ground has been resurfaced and grass cover is still establishing. No horse riding or driving of any traffic on the new polocrosse ground proper please.
  • Canteen to be announced on TEERA Facebook page.
  • No dogs on the polocrosse grounds.
  • No smoking on track.
  • Children to be supervised at all times.
  • Electronic timing will be used.
  • Please leave your site clean - spread manure, bag hay and take home.


  • Online entries will close 20:00 Tuesday October 27. This allows time for checking/printing of entries and finalising prizes/vets etc. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE IT TOO LATE!
  • Please use the online entry-from below
  • Alternatively, phone entries to Debbie Grull:
    • 0417 130 774
  • If you are coming to a ride for the very first time please give entries contact: Debbie Grull a call on 0417 130 774


  • The ride base is at Gowrie Park Polocrosse grounds, Claude Rd, Tasmania (200 metres along Claude Road before the O'Nieills - Claude Road intersection. Zoom in or out for appropriate detail.


  • All those attending must be included on a completed Corona Virus (COVID-19) Declaration to be presented on arrival at the ride base. This must include details of all members in your party.

-------The Declaration Form is available for download here

  • All riders and party members must review the Ride Biosecurity Information sheet so that they are familiar with the infection control procedures to be in place at the ride.

-------The Information sheet is available here.

------- *The full event COVID Safety Plan is available here

  • In order to minimise the risk of disease transmission at the event, riders should consider attending with the minimum number of support people possible (giving due consideration to rider safety).
  • Spectators, members of the public and others not directly associated with the running of the event are discouraged from attending.
  • All riders MUST present a completed 4 day Horse Health Declaration, for each horse, on arrival at the ride base. If you arrive without this you will not be allowed onto the ride base and will not be allowed to ride. In effect this requires you to take and record your horses temperature for three days prior to arrival at the ride base, plus on the day of arrival.

--------The Horse Health Declaration form is available here


  • Horse registration and log book needs MUST be in the hands of the Logbook Registrar a full week BEFORE the ride.
  • Changes affecting "Day Membership" Riders who are not full members must take out "Day Membership". Arrangements for this have changed. Information is available here
  • New riders can find lots of information here
  • You are encouraged to look at the National Rules which can be found here
  • Particular attention needs to be paid to the yarding of your horse at Ride Base.


  • 54.1 The person responsible for a horse has a duty of care to all other persons to ensure their horse(s) are contained at all times. A competent responsible person must supervise horse(s) at all times when horse(s) are in the horse yard.
  • 54.2 The preferred method of horse containment are metal yards, substantially fixed to a solid object such as a horse float, truck or permanent fence or appropriately pegged into the ground. Alternatively, electric fencing is permitted, but shall as a minimum, have 2 strands of tape, preferably white and a minimum of 1cm wide, with the top tape to be 1.2 to 1.4 metres above the ground. The posts used should be of substantial material (steel pickets) and installed so that the tape does not sag. The fence shall be energized at all times the horse is in the yard.
  • 54.3 Only one horse is permitted per enclosure.
  • 54.4 Ground tethering or the hobbling of horses is not permitted.



PLEASE NOTE: This form now has provision for information on a companion horse coming on to ride base. Leave blank if not applicable.

Before entering, please make sure you have read and understood the rule requiring a Horse Trainer's Declaration with each entry.
This post explained what is required.