TEERA Updates February 2017

SMC meeting 6th March

Each Club is requested to send a representative to this meeting as Mark from Forico will be updating the process and providing details regarding the use of Forico land for endurance rides and individual training in these areas.
Contact Greg Henry for more info if required. 
Debbie Grull has been working with Ifarm on a similar project.

Club Contact Details
Clubs are reminded to advise Jodi of your office bearers for 2017 by emailing web@teera.asn.au

Articles for TQ17 Booklet
TEERA need to supply an article for the TQ17 booklet. Is there anyone willing to write this? TQ18 are also requested to write a promotional article.
Contact Pat Hodgetts if you can help.

160km ride at Easter
For planning purposes TEERA and NEEEC would like an idea of the anticipated number of entries for the 160km ride. This ride has been incorporated into this huge weekend as the last opportunity in Tasmania for members to qualify for TQ17. Please contact NEEEC asap if you intend entering the 160km ride.

Personal Accident Insurance.

A reminder to those enthusiastic members who completed their memberships early in January that PA has increased $15 for adults and $3 for Juniors.  New forms also need to be completed. TEERA and AERA apologise for this late change by the insurance company. Please contact Pat Lamprey.