Notes from May TEERA Meeting

  1. Only one nomination for the Tasmanian TQ17 team/s was received by the SMC!!!

  2. Reminder to trainers, riders to submit AERA Form 6 if your horse has received ANY medication in the28 days prior to a ride . See Rule 1.3 of Rulebook.

  3. All horses in all rides must submit a Temp log for each horse entering the ride base. TEERA is the only division that has not been doing this and AERA have insisted that we comply . Teera SMC have set a three day temp log and this actionwill commence 1st July 2017. The form will soon be available on our website.
    No completed temp log means no entry to the ride base.

  4. Rulebook Workshop for CS and members 12th and 13th August. This is open to all members and will require 2 short days. Venue to be decided depending on locality of interested members. If you are keen to attend please advise SMC by 31st July .

  5. Clean up your mess and rubbish - Not only are suitable tracks hard to find but also suitable ride bases are getting hard to find and keep. We are privileged to use private property for some rides but the continual disrespect for other persons property by leaving rubbish, hay and waste in your camping area may soon make it unavailable for all. Bring bagsand rakes to clean up and be prepared to take it home with you if directed by the ride organisers.

  6. 10,000km scrolls. There are still many Tas riders who are eligible for these scrolls that have not yet applied. See AERA website for details..

  7. Arrows.  A few years ago several clubs were issued withLeg 1 to Leg 6 AERA arrows sufficient for a 160km ride. Other clubs were issued with Leg 1 to Leg 3 arrows. Some prefer to use their home made variety. If any club has surplus AERA arrows please return to Tas SMC for re-distribution.