Biosecurity requirements for Tasmanian State Championships/TQ18 trial ride - Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October 2017

TEERA are implementing the same level of biosecurity as for the recent TQ17 ride.

In summary:

1.  If travelling from a non-Hendra risk area you are required to complete a 10 day Temp Log and Horse Health Declaration

2.  If travelling from a Hendra risk area and your horse is HEV vaccinated you need to supply a current vaccination certificate and complete the 10 day Temp Log and Horse Health declaration.

 3. If travelling from a Hendra high risk area and your horse is notHEV vaccinated your horseneeds to be out of the Hendra high risk area for a minimum of 28 days.

 In addition you are required to

 - contact Dr Pat Hodgetts ( pat.hodgetts before5th Sept 2017and complete

-a quarantineand location declaration

-the 28 day quarantine Temp Log and Horse Health declaration commencing the day the horse arrives at the quarantine location outside of the Hendra risk zone