As 2020 draws to a close, the terms of five members of the TEERA State Management Committee (SMC) come to an end. I am calling on TEERA members to consider nominating for one of these SMC positions in 2021.

A considerable amount of work is necessary to manage an endurance season in Tasmania and this work is done, in part, by the SMC.  Because there are 10 SMC members, the work is shared however the time commitment required from each SMC member is somewhere in the region of 5-20 hours a month, depending on the particular portfolio(s) allocated to each member.

 SMC portfolios include:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Minutes and Agenda Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Property Officer

  • Horse Welfare Officer

  • Membership Registrar

  • Logbook Registrar

  • Database Registrar

  • Vet liaison

 Please consider nominating for the SMC in 2021.   Rides can’t run without an active and competent SMC managing the process.

Feel free to contact any of the current SMC members to discuss what is required.

 Nomination Forms and Notice of Motion Forms are available from the FORMS page.