SMC Nominations - Update

 In December, the TEERA State Management Committee called for nominations for TEERA committee members for 2021. Two nominations were received -  Grace Huxtable and Felicity Perry. However, they were received after the stated deadline of 5.30 PM on 22 December. These two nominations will be received from the floor of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 23.2. 

 Nominations for the other three positions (five positions are up for election) will be called for from the floor of the AGM. If the total number of nominations received at the AGM exceeds five, a ballot will be held. 

 TEERA members are encouraged to consider nominating for the SMC.

 Members must attend the AGM to cast their votes. The TEERA Rules do not allow proxy votes. 

 Amelia Napier

TEERA Secretary