AERA is very pleased to announce that Membership Renewals for the 2024 endurance year will be available online from 1 January 2024. This functionality is the next step in the development of the AERA Online hub and helps endurance in Australia to embrace the digital world. AERA Online will assist riders and trainers to submit their membership applications in a more streamlined way and without the need to download forms, write them out and then send them off to Registrars. Automatic lodgement and payment via the secure Westpac Bank payment gateway will also assist our hardworking Registrars and ease their burden.
To renew your membership head to AERA Online, log in your account (or create an account if you don’t already have one) and select the My Details option. This screen will display a new Membership option under the Members Details section.
Simply select the Renew button (for returning members) or the New button if you haven’t taken out a membership previously. Then follow the steps through the process. If you need any assistance head to the Help menu and download the Renewing your Membership sheet for step by step instructions. Remember the Contact Us option under the Help menu if you have any questions – we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
An alternative off-line option will be available to TEERA members shortly. Watch this space.