Notice of T.E.E.R.A. Inc. Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting of the Tasmanian Equine Endurance Riders Association Inc. will be held at the Jill Sheehan ride base, Lamprey’s property, Smith and Others Road, Sassafras on Saturday 8th June 2019 at 6.00 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider changes to four of the Rules of the Association. The changes formalise arrangements put in place resulting from resolutions of earlier Annual General Meetings and changes in practices consistent with today’s social and commercial environment. The changes are to:

  • Rule 8 - Banking and Finance - to provide for an electronic banking option, for multiple bank accounts and recognizing the role of the Registrars.

  • Rule 13 - Notices of General Meetings - to include widely accepted means of communication and allocate the notification duty to the Secretary rather than the Public Officer.

  • Rule 23 - Election of Numbers of Committee – to  more clearly provide for a pre AGM ballot when the number of nominations exceeds the vacancies to be filled.

  • Rule 25 - Committee Meetings – to enable a convenient and cost-effective means of geographically widespread representation on the Committee.

Full details, including reasons for change and the specific changes, are available for reading and download here.

The changes should not be considered in isolation but in the context of the Rules as a whole. The Rules are here. A link to a .pdf version is available from that page.

The proposed changes are supported and recommended by your State Management Committee.

Roger Nichols - Public Officer