Notice to Tasmanian Endurance Clubs - Concussion

Dear Tasmanian endurance riding clubs,

In 2020 much more attention is being paid to the identification and management of concussion than has been the case in previous years.

It is important that your club takes a few minutes to become familiar with the relevant guidelines.

Concussion is a potentially serious condition and as per the concussion advice card riders or support people suspected of concussion must not drive until medically cleared to do so. (Card download)

Officials at an event must:

  • Advise the medical/first aid service at the event of the requirements of the EA concussion protocol and the need to recognise, report and make officials immediately aware of suspected concussions

  • Be aware  when a suspected concussion has occurred

  • Remove the rider or support person from further competition

  • Advise the ROC to identify the “person monitoring” and ensure alternate transport arrangements are available (riders or support people suspected of concussion must not drive)

  • Provide  the “person monitoring” a concussion advice card (where possible) and advise the rider or support person by email of the of the protocol (copy )

  • Report the concussion to

Responsibility for identifying the “person monitoring” and ensuring alternate transport is arranged should be taken on by the ride organising committee as it has access to riders’ emergency person contact details as well as knowing local contacts who can assist with the arrangements.

Under Equestrian Australia General Regulations, all riders suspected of sustaining a concussion, may not ride at another competition for a minimum of 14 days, if aged 18 years or younger, or a minimum of 6 days if aged 19 years or older.

We strongly recommend riders or support people suspected of being concussed seek medical advice and follow a graduated return to sport policy as outlined at

Riders must also obtain a signed medical certificate from their General Practitioner or medical professional, indicating they are free from any impairment resulting from the suspected concussion, and are cleared to ride.

This must be sent via email to myself and and presented to the officials at the next ride.

Further information is available here.

Blaine Astell
TEERA President