Notes from Teera Meeting 11th Oct 2017

  1. Black Bluff ride 18th Nov has been cancelled BUT has been replaced by a BEER ride the following weekend on Sat 25th Nov. More details later.

  2. The annual award dinner to be held at Penguin on 9th December.

  3. Nominations for 2018 TEERA committee close on 30th November. Forms available soon.

  4. Next TEERA meeting 8th Nov at Latrobe

  5. People interested in learning how to set-up and operate our new electronic timing system are asked to contact secretary Pat Hodgetts or any committee member.

Biosecurity requirements for Tasmanian State Championships/TQ18 trial ride - Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October 2017

TEERA are implementing the same level of biosecurity as for the recent TQ17 ride.

In summary:

1.  If travelling from a non-Hendra risk area you are required to complete a 10 day Temp Log and Horse Health Declaration

2.  If travelling from a Hendra risk area and your horse is HEV vaccinated you need to supply a current vaccination certificate and complete the 10 day Temp Log and Horse Health declaration.

 3. If travelling from a Hendra high risk area and your horse is notHEV vaccinated your horseneeds to be out of the Hendra high risk area for a minimum of 28 days.

 In addition you are required to

 - contact Dr Pat Hodgetts ( pat.hodgetts before5th Sept 2017and complete

-a quarantineand location declaration

-the 28 day quarantine Temp Log and Horse Health declaration commencing the day the horse arrives at the quarantine location outside of the Hendra risk zone


Jolly Lette Memorial, Santarena Park - 26 August

NTARC Safety Communications Team will be providing safety communications for this event. We will have RFID readers at the Start/Finish line and a remote checkpoint reader at Checkpoint 1 of Leg 1. Both the 40Km & 80Km riders will be using this leg.

For those riders that have RFID tags please bring them to the ride. Competitors that do not have tags please report to the Comms Trailer near the Canteen and we will issue you with a tag.

Thank you from the NTARC Safety Communications Team.

Notes from TEERA meeting of 9 August 2017

1.Temperature Logs and Biosecurity Process

a) The SMC will do a risk assessment for each ride and determine the level of biosecurity required for that particular ride.

b) The ride organisers will appoint a biosecurity officer. This does not have to be a CS or veterinarian. However any irregularities with temp logsor biosecurity matters are to be referred to CS or HV and resolved before the horses can enter the ride base.

c) Paperwork for Horse Health declaration and temp logs are to be signed by the trainer/responsible person and collected by the biosecurity officer at the gate entrance to the ride base. One form per horse.

d) It may be necessary to set the hours that the biosecurity checkpoint will be operating and perhaps make arrangements for very early or very late arrivals, for the biosecurity manager to be present at the gate.

e) The collected Horse Health declarations and temp logsmay befurther inspected by the HV and CS team.

f) The ride organisers to provide antibacterial gels and wipes for the vet ring

g) These biosecurity measures apply to all horses entering a ride base including the 5km and smaller rides.

Ride dates for 2018
Clubs are reminded to submit their proposed dates for rides for 2018 by 1st September.

There is a form in the forms section on the Teera website. Please include the appropriate affiliation fees.

SMC Meetings
The regular Teera SMC meetings are now held on the first Wednesday of each month.

Email address for
This email address has now been redirected to the 2017 secretary ( Pat H ). SMC for 2017  believe that, due to technical problems, this email address had been cancelled some time ago. Recentlythe SMC became aware that this email address was still active so any correspondence sentto this address in the last few years may not have been getting through to the SMC. The Teera SMC apologise for not being able to address any matters raised via this address.

Weight Division for rider
Ride organisers and ride secretaries are reminded that the weight division for riders must be declared at time of entry and not altered during the course of the ride.

Biosecurity in Vet Ring
Ride organisers are reminded that it is their responsibility to provide antibacterial gel, hand wash and/or wipes for use by CS, TPR's and Vets in the vet ring. Previously these have been in the '”ride bag” but have not been returned.

Riders may bring their own thermometer for use at pre-ride vetting.

10,000km scrolls
SMC are aiming to present these in December at the annual dinner. Individuals who are eligible are required to apply to National Distance Registrar- Jo Bailey.  Jo has been experiencing issues with email address so has advised that all requests should be directed to her personal address .The listof those eligible as created last year includes the following riders. Angela Hawkes,Tony Purton,Audrey Gardam, Tanya Jago, Kaye Mitchell, Janine Parr, Claude F ,Noel Lockhart, Trish Smith, Anne Richards, Heather Johnston. Recent addition Debbie Grull.

There maybe several others – it is up to you to apply. 

Tasmanian Team for 2017 SA Tom Quilty

TEERA SMC asked for nominations for the 2017 SA Tom Quilty gold cup. We are pleased to announce our team.

Trish Smith
Angela Hawks
Debbie Grull
Helen Astell
Karen Quinn (reserve)

Congratulations to all riders in the Tassie team.
TEERA have provided saddle cloths for the team.

TEERA would like to offer our congratulations to Blaine for being picked in the Australian team.

Safe journey and hope you all are successful and Enjoy the experience.

Wendy Rand

NTARC Inc. Safety Communications

Lockhart Endurance Challenge Lebrina May 27.

NTARC will be providing Safety Communications for this event. We will be RFID tagging 80Km & 40Km riders. Riders who already have their tags please bring them to the ride. If you don't have a tag please come to the Comms trailer before the event.

The RFID reader will be located near the Start/Finish line. We are trialling some new equipment and we want to keep it close and handy. The Information Screens that were used at Easter will be in use again, location TBA.

Norm Thorley VK7KTN

NTARC Safety Communications Coordinator.

Notes from May TEERA Meeting

  1. Only one nomination for the Tasmanian TQ17 team/s was received by the SMC!!!

  2. Reminder to trainers, riders to submit AERA Form 6 if your horse has received ANY medication in the28 days prior to a ride . See Rule 1.3 of Rulebook.

  3. All horses in all rides must submit a Temp log for each horse entering the ride base. TEERA is the only division that has not been doing this and AERA have insisted that we comply . Teera SMC have set a three day temp log and this actionwill commence 1st July 2017. The form will soon be available on our website.
    No completed temp log means no entry to the ride base.

  4. Rulebook Workshop for CS and members 12th and 13th August. This is open to all members and will require 2 short days. Venue to be decided depending on locality of interested members. If you are keen to attend please advise SMC by 31st July .

  5. Clean up your mess and rubbish - Not only are suitable tracks hard to find but also suitable ride bases are getting hard to find and keep. We are privileged to use private property for some rides but the continual disrespect for other persons property by leaving rubbish, hay and waste in your camping area may soon make it unavailable for all. Bring bagsand rakes to clean up and be prepared to take it home with you if directed by the ride organisers.

  6. 10,000km scrolls. There are still many Tas riders who are eligible for these scrolls that have not yet applied. See AERA website for details..

  7. Arrows.  A few years ago several clubs were issued withLeg 1 to Leg 6 AERA arrows sufficient for a 160km ride. Other clubs were issued with Leg 1 to Leg 3 arrows. Some prefer to use their home made variety. If any club has surplus AERA arrows please return to Tas SMC for re-distribution.

Notes from March TEERA meeting

  1. There are some members who are yet to pay the balance of the PA insurance. If this is not addressed you may be prevented from entering rides. Contact Pat Lamprey before she has to contact you!!
  2. TQ17 Tasmanian Team - Expressions of Interest are invited for Tas riders to nominate for consideration to be a member ofthe TQ17 Tasmanian State team.  Nominations close on 30th April.
  3. Reminder to all Ride Organisers and Clubs that it is their responsibility to provide their own digital clocks (showing hours, minutes and seconds).
  4. 10,000 km Awards - Reminder to those eligible to apply for these awards to check with the AERA website for details of the process. AERA recognises that there are still errors in some of the totals. Contact Pam Shadbolt so she can sort some of these issues for you.
  5. Clarification of Rule 30.2. - There is no minimum weight for Lightweight riders. This means that there is no maximum weight for Lightweight riders either. However for Best Conditioned calculation themaximum weight allowedfor Lightweight riders is 72.9kg.
  6. There has been no response to the request for someone to write an article for the TQ17 Quilty Booklet. Does that mean that the TEERA members do not want this? I find it hard to believe. With outstanding success at TQ16 and other great achievements(perhaps a bit of embarrassing that our State Champs was won by a Victorian) there has got to be a story!
  7. TEERA have approved the addition of another ride in May. Check the details on the TEERA website calendar section.
  8. Mark Chopping of Forico attended the TEERA meeting. His advice was most welcome.  Importantly he emphasised that our Risk Management paperwork needs to expand . Debbie Grull has volunteered to work on this. Greg Henry is still our contact person for Forico matters.
  9. General reminder to all -hat horses may not leave the ride base until their Logbooks have been signed off by the head veterinarian and the ride secretary.



Doug Lockhart

TEERA members are saddened to hear of the passing of our Life Member, Doug Lockhart and extend condolences to his wife Lorna and family.

Wendy Rand
President TEERA


TEERA Updates February 2017

SMC meeting 6th March

Each Club is requested to send a representative to this meeting as Mark from Forico will be updating the process and providing details regarding the use of Forico land for endurance rides and individual training in these areas.
Contact Greg Henry for more info if required. 
Debbie Grull has been working with Ifarm on a similar project.

Club Contact Details
Clubs are reminded to advise Jodi of your office bearers for 2017 by emailing

Articles for TQ17 Booklet
TEERA need to supply an article for the TQ17 booklet. Is there anyone willing to write this? TQ18 are also requested to write a promotional article.
Contact Pat Hodgetts if you can help.

160km ride at Easter
For planning purposes TEERA and NEEEC would like an idea of the anticipated number of entries for the 160km ride. This ride has been incorporated into this huge weekend as the last opportunity in Tasmania for members to qualify for TQ17. Please contact NEEEC asap if you intend entering the 160km ride.

Personal Accident Insurance.

A reminder to those enthusiastic members who completed their memberships early in January that PA has increased $15 for adults and $3 for Juniors.  New forms also need to be completed. TEERA and AERA apologise for this late change by the insurance company. Please contact Pat Lamprey.

Memberships and AGM Information

If you are planning on riding next weekend... memberships will not be accepted after Tuesday.

AGM for the State Management Committee was not held today due to low numbers. It will now be held following briefing on Friday night at approx 7.15 at the Natone ride.

Please note.... memberships and logbooks should be done 2 weeks prior to a ride!!!!