2020 Fees and Charges

Following the availability of AERA charges for 2020, together with the public liability insurance premium distribution, TEERA fees and charges for 2020 are now available.

In October, a summary of the TEERA financial situation was published and views sought from members for consideration in finalising the 2020 fees. There were no views expressed, so the SMC has proceeded with what it considers to be in the best interests of members. The results are available here or from the Forms page of the TEERA web site.

In summary, there are increases in Adult membership fees, the first increase for several years. All half year fees have been increased, recognising that AERA does not discount for part year. TEERA will continue to discount the TEERA share.  Event Public Liability and Volunteer Personal Accident insurance was paid by TEERA in 2019. This will not continue into 2020 and rates have increased slightly. AERA charges for Day Rider Public Liability insurance has increased significantly but TEERA has absorbed this increase.

These increases will not offset the expected 2020 cash loss, in the region of $7,500, down from the anticipated $10,000 loss in 2019.

The TEERA fees and charges, incorporating AERA and insurance charges, applying in 2020 are available here.


The TEERA SMC would like to acknowledge the passing on 30 November 2019 of Laurie Nicolle, a man who contributed much to our sport. Laurie is a past President,  AERA delegate and AERA President. He was also a huge influence on the Arabian Horse Society board.  Laurie was an honorary life member of  TEERA , AERA and AHSA such was his immense contribution.

He will be sadly missed.

 We offer our deepest sympathy to Lyn and family.

AERA Constitution - Consultation Draft 2

The AERA has continued to work on a restructure and draft Constitution that will serve Australian endurance riding.

We have collated and discussed ALL comments received last year on the first consultation draft, and made changes as appropriate. The current Draft AERA Constitution is the version dated 2 October 2019.

The main differences between the proposed Constitution and structure and our existing Constitution and structure are:

  1. The Division Associations (DAs) are members of the AERA under the proposed arrangements, making the AERA directly accountable to the DAs as its members. The DAs will be represented by delegates.

  2. The AERA Management Committee has been reduced in size from up to 17 people to 8 people, which will be cheaper to run and result in more efficient meetings.

Essentially, the objectives of the AERA remain as they have always been:

* to be the national co-ordinating body for endurance riding in Australia
* to ensure consistency of the rules of the sport across all Division Associations
* to ensure consistency of accreditation of ride officials
* to supervise the annual Tom Quilty Gold Cup
* to liaise with relevant national and international groups
* to maintain a national database
* to negotiate and implement a national insurance package for the sport

Similarly, the objectives of the Division Associations remain:

* to process rider memberships and horse records
* to affiliate endurance rides and ensure they are conducted according to the rules
* to manage a ride calendar
* to process ride results and enter these into the national database
* to resolve disputes between members
* to encourage ongoing accreditation of ride officials and veterinarians
* to be the co-ordinating body for endurance within their area

Division Association Management Committees and members are invited to make comments on this draft until 8 November 2019. Please send your comments to Kim Moir, AERA Secretary at kim.moir@aera.asn.au

Please contact your AERA delegates with any questions.

AERA Constitution - Consultation Draft 2

TEERA Strategic Plan

A plan has been drafted as a dynamic document, under constant review, as a reference for SMC decision making. The plan can be found here. Part of the plan concerns promotional matters, which are further developed in the accompanying Promotional Plan.

Links to the plans, as they develop, will be listed under the SOPs section on this site.

SMC Positions Notice (updated 29 November 19)

TEERA’s members are served by the State Management Committee or SMC. Its purpose is to manage the business and affairs of the Association.

The committee meets monthly by attendance at one or more venues, or from home. The locations are connected by electronic conferencing (currently audio only and internet dependent). In addition, there are frequent exchanges by email, electronic documents, Facebook group or by Facebook messaging.

The Committee works within the Rules of both TEERA and AERA.

There are ten SMC positions. They may be assisted by others, usually with specific responsibilities

Positions have a two-year tenure, usually resulting in five vacancies each year. This year, another becomes available due to the filling of a casual vacancy during 2019.

Six TEERA State Management Committee positions will become available next year.  Nominationshave been called for.

From those elected and those continuing into a second year, the positions of the officers of the association will have to be filled -

·         President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer

In addition, there are many other jobs covered by SMC members, though some of these may be outsourced to others:

  • Minutes and Agenda Secretary

  • Membership Registrar

  • Log-book and Horse Registration Registrar

  • AeraSpace database Registrar

  • AERA delegate (x 2)

  • Chief Steward Liaison

  • TPR Registrar and Liaison

  • Horse Welfare Officer

  • Webmaster (including on-line ride entries)

  • Facebook Moderator (several)

  • Equipment Officer

  • Risk Management Advisor

  • Child Protection Advisor

  • Timing Equipment Manager

  • Ride Organising Committees Liaison

  • New Rider Mentor

  • Publicity Officer

  • Public Officer

Information on the general duties and responsibilities of  sports management committees can be found here  http://www.leoisaac.com/boards/index.htm

TEERA needs people with the necessary interest, time and abilities.  Being comfortable with, and having access to, electronic documentation and communication is essential. Those with business, regulatory or administration experience would be particularly welcome.


More information is available on request via secretary@teera.asn.au

TEERA Child Protection Policy adopted

Following a draft being made available for comment, the TEERA SMC has adopted the Child Protection Policy.

ROCs are asked to become familiar with the policy and be guided by it.

Present day standards require that organisations involving children have a child protection policy. TEERA SMC has sought guidance from several bodies, settling primarily on ‘Play by the Rules’..

Play by the Rules is a collaboration between Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, and other government agencies. A TEERA SMC member has completed the course ‘PBTR - Child Protection’.

The Policy is based on the Play by the Rules recommendation and is available here.

TEERA Child Protection Policy - DRAFT - Member Consultation

Present day standards require that organisations involving children have a child protection policy. TEERA SMC has sought guidance from several bodies, settling primarily on Play by the Rules.

Play by the Rules is a collaboration between Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, and other government agencies. A TEERA SMC member has completed the course ‘PBTR - Child Protection’.

TEERA has now developed a draft Child Protection Policy and is seeking feedback from members.

The draft Policy is available here.

Members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the draft Policy and provide any feedback here.


TPR Stewards

TEERA is currently working to tidy up its TPR database. There are approximately 50 accredited TPRs and approximately 50 probationary TPRs in the database. These are all listed on this website at the link below. If you are a TPR, accredited or not, we’d be grateful if you could have a look at the list and let our TPR co-ordinator Mark Dunn (markdunn1@netspace.net.au) know if you can see any errors - i.e. if your name is on the wrong list, if your name isn't there and it should be or, vice versa, if you'd like your name removed from the list.

TPR Stewards list accredited Probationary


It has become necessary to change how riders who are not full members enter a ride – usually known as Day Membership.

This is an AERA requirement, to fit in with the accounting system. It will bring TEERA in line with all other D.A.s

The new protocols will be in place in time for the next ride – the Jolly Lette Memorial at Santarena Park on 24th August 2019.

In summary, to enter a ride a non-member will need to:

1.       Complete a reduced Day Membership application form – primarily the waiver signed by full members. This form can be downloaded and completed in advance (preferable) or at the ride.

2.       Complete the on-line Ride Entry or enter by phone.

3.       Present at the ride as now but with the completed form and the ‘Day membership’ fee, in addition to the ROC’s ride fee, as cash or cheque.

The fee will be $20 for all Day Riders, adult and junior.  The $20 will not be redeemable against later full membership. (Anybody who has already paid the current ‘Day Member’ fee and not yet redeemed it will be able have full membership at the reduced charge).

The $20 will cover the necessary public liability insurance and contribute to the significant overheads incurred by TEERA, as do full members through their annual payment.

The ROC will report the number of Day Riders on the revised Ride Returns form and forward the collected Day Rider payments along with other Ride Returns.


The Dangerous Activity Acknowledgment & Waiver on the Day Membership application form must also be signed by your Parent or Guardian.

The Parent/Guardian Declaration on the Ride Entry form must also be signed by your Parent or Guardian.


If your Parent/Guardian will not be at the ride you must download and have them complete AERA Form 36 - Junior Rider Parent/Guardian Declaration. This will replace the Declaration on the Ride Entry form.

Notice of T.E.E.R.A. Inc. Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting of the Tasmanian Equine Endurance Riders Association Inc. will be held at the Jill Sheehan ride base, Lamprey’s property, Smith and Others Road, Sassafras on Saturday 8th June 2019 at 6.00 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider changes to four of the Rules of the Association. The changes formalise arrangements put in place resulting from resolutions of earlier Annual General Meetings and changes in practices consistent with today’s social and commercial environment. The changes are to:

  • Rule 8 - Banking and Finance - to provide for an electronic banking option, for multiple bank accounts and recognizing the role of the Registrars.

  • Rule 13 - Notices of General Meetings - to include widely accepted means of communication and allocate the notification duty to the Secretary rather than the Public Officer.

  • Rule 23 - Election of Numbers of Committee – to  more clearly provide for a pre AGM ballot when the number of nominations exceeds the vacancies to be filled.

  • Rule 25 - Committee Meetings – to enable a convenient and cost-effective means of geographically widespread representation on the Committee.

Full details, including reasons for change and the specific changes, are available for reading and download here.

The changes should not be considered in isolation but in the context of the Rules as a whole. The Rules are here. A link to a .pdf version is available from that page.

The proposed changes are supported and recommended by your State Management Committee.

Roger Nichols - Public Officer


We’ve had queries about the allocation of dates for 2020 rides. The process is intended to be as fair as possible and, hopefully, end up with a ride program that suits the ROCs who do the enormous amount of work putting on rides.

FIrstly, look at the nominations already in. They are recorded here.

Try to choose a date not already asked for and at least two weeks separated from others. If you cannot, contact the conflicting ROC and try to come to some mutually acceptable program, being mindful of other nominations. If that is not possible, the SMC will have to decide. The date of the nomination will be a factor considered.


Forms available here

Soon after this, the 2020 program will be announced so ROCs can lock in their arrangements. Any late nominations will have to be fitted into the program where a space is available, again with at least two weeks between rides.

SMC Vacancy Filled

Soon after the AGM, Debbie Grull gave notice that she was unable to take up her position on the SMC. A decision was made, under Rule 21.7, to offer the position to the next person on the pre-AGM ballot. The Returning Officer provided the information - Trent Huxtable. Trent has accepted the appointment and attended the meeting held on 13 March. Trent brings much knowledge with him and it’s hoped that he will take up a suitable role with specific responsibilities.

21.7    If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of ordinary committee member, the committee may appoint a member of the Association to fill the vacancy until the conclusion of the annual general meeting next following the date of the appointment.

Reduced Day Membership fee for Juniors

As from 18 March 2019, the Day Membership fee for Juniors will be reduced to $15.

This brings the Adult to Junior Day membership fee ratio to about the same as for Full Membership.

The purpose of the reduction is to make that first step into endurance $20 easier.

———— TEERA SMC - working to get more bums on saddles.

AERA Annual General Meeting


 The Annual General Meeting of Australian Endurance Riders Association Incorporated will be held on Saturday 16th of March 2019 at 8.30 am at Quality Hotel Melbourne Airport, 265 Mickleham Road, Tullamarine,  Melbourne in the state of Victoria.


 1.            To confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting.

2.            To receive and consider the Management Committee’s report and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018.

 3.            To appoint ordinary members of the Committee.

 4.            To elect office bearers of the Association.

 5.            To receive and accept nominations of honorary members.

6.            To appoint a public officer, honorary veterinarian and legal advisers as deemed relevant.

 7.            To appoint an auditor.

 8.            To transact any other business that may be brought forward in conformity with the rules of the Association.

 Please notify the Secretary if it is your intention to attend the meeting.

 By order of Management Committee

Kim Moir


23 February 2019