Novice riders must attend the ride briefing

At a recent ride, two riders in a 40k ride went off course and, for a while, their whereabouts was not known to ride organisers or the chief steward. The riders in question, one of whom was a novice rider, did not attend the ride briefing.

Rule 29 makes it clear that novice riders must attend the ride briefing or 'they may be eliminated by the chief steward before the start of the ride'. Some leniency has been shown to novice riders in the past regarding this Rule however this is unlikely to be the case in future.

A key reason for this (apart from the obvious safety issues) is that, in the event of an injury to a novice rider who had not attended the ride briefing, the relevant ride insurance may not apply.

Please, novice riders (all riders riders who have not progressed to 'endurance' status), make sure you attend the ride briefing.

Mark Dunn

TEERA secretary

REMINDER - TEERA Members Awards Survey

An reminder email was sent today to the registered email addresses of all TEERA members seeking their views on end of year and ride completion prize awards. The email contains a link to an online survey.

If you are a TEERA member and didn't receive this email, please contact me and I will send you a copy.

Mark Dunn

TEERA secretary

Notice to TEERA members - awards survey

An email was sent this morning to the registered email addresses of all TEERA members seeking their views on end of year awards. The email contains a link to an online survey.

If you are a TEERA member and didn't receive this email, please contact me and I will send you a copy.

Mark Dunn

TEERA secretary

Social Media Engagement Rules – member reminder

A recent Facebook discussion centred on a mainland endurance event will very likely lead to disciplinary action being instituted against a number of members of state endurance associations on the basis that they breached the Australian Endurance Association’s Social Media Engagement Rules.

The offending comments were critical of ride officials at the event. TEERA members are reminded that care must be taken when posting comments to social media that they comply with the Social Media Engagement Rules.

Members are encouraged to review these Rules periodically. They are available on the AERA website, here.

Mark Dunn

TEERA Secretary



Be COVIDsafe at Wattlewood

Events in Melbourne this week remind us of the need to take precautions to guard against a COVID outbreak in Tasmania.

If you're coming to the event at Wattlewood Park on the weekend, please be sure to:

  • register with the event office, either by using the Check In Tas app at the ride office or by writing your name and contact details on the attendance register

  • socially distance where possible

  • use hand hygiene regularly - there will be dispensers everywhere

If you’ve been in contact with anyone who’s been in any of the identified at risk areas, do not attend the event.

Mark Dunn, event chief steward

Meeting notes

The draft minutes of the SMC meeting of 21 April and the agenda for the SMC meeting for 19 May 2021 have now been published on the Meetings page of this website.

Mark Dunn, TEERA secretary


The issue of allowing dogs at rides was raised by a TEERA member at the recent TEERA AGM. The member felt that riders were being unnecessarily discouraged from bringing dogs to rides, the principle being that dogs add a sense of ‘community’ and/or ‘fun’ to an event.

The TEERA State Management Committee discussed this at its recent meeting and, while it acknowledges that some ride venues prohibit dogs as part of their leasing arrangement with clubs, it agreed that, where possible, riders and their associates should not be discouraged from bringing dogs to rides.

While it is, of course, up to each club to makes its own decision, the TEERA SMC encourages clubs to allow dogs at their events unless there are ‘local rules’ that prevent this.

When dogs are permitted at an event, AERA Rule 26.5 must be complied with.

AERA Rule 26.5: Dogs must be secured in a structure or on a leash at all times that is attached to a solid structure or a responsible human handler when at an endurance event.

Mark Dunn

TEERA Secretary

SMC Nominations - Update

 In December, the TEERA State Management Committee called for nominations for TEERA committee members for 2021. Two nominations were received -  Grace Huxtable and Felicity Perry. However, they were received after the stated deadline of 5.30 PM on 22 December. These two nominations will be received from the floor of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 23.2. 

 Nominations for the other three positions (five positions are up for election) will be called for from the floor of the AGM. If the total number of nominations received at the AGM exceeds five, a ballot will be held. 

 TEERA members are encouraged to consider nominating for the SMC.

 Members must attend the AGM to cast their votes. The TEERA Rules do not allow proxy votes. 

 Amelia Napier

TEERA Secretary




2.00 p.m. Saturday 23rd January 2021

Brickendon Estate, 236 Wellington St., Longford, TAS 7310


  1. To confirm the minutes of the 2020 AGM (Minutes available here);

  2. To receive reports from the Committee and Auditor;
    - Early reports

  3. To elect the Committee members;

  4. To appoint the auditors and their remuneration;

  5. Special Business

    • Motion regarding committee meeting minutes;

    • Motion regarding a quorum at a committee meeting.

    Amelia Napier



As 2020 draws to a close, the terms of five members of the TEERA State Management Committee (SMC) come to an end. I am calling on TEERA members to consider nominating for one of these SMC positions in 2021.

A considerable amount of work is necessary to manage an endurance season in Tasmania and this work is done, in part, by the SMC.  Because there are 10 SMC members, the work is shared however the time commitment required from each SMC member is somewhere in the region of 5-20 hours a month, depending on the particular portfolio(s) allocated to each member.

 SMC portfolios include:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Minutes and Agenda Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Property Officer

  • Horse Welfare Officer

  • Membership Registrar

  • Logbook Registrar

  • Database Registrar

  • Vet liaison

 Please consider nominating for the SMC in 2021.   Rides can’t run without an active and competent SMC managing the process.

Feel free to contact any of the current SMC members to discuss what is required.

 Nomination Forms and Notice of Motion Forms are available from the FORMS page.


Jolly Lette Memorial Ride - Bisosecurity

Once again, we have a large number of entries (80+) for this ride and would like to highlight a few things.

  1. Re COVID-19 - this is not a drill and we do not want to be the focus of a Tasmanian COVID outbreak. People attending the ride need to comply with the social distancing and hand hygiene measures in place. It is essential riders arrive with completed Corona virus (COVID-19) declarations, providing details of all people in their party. This form is available for download from the Jolly Lette ride information page on the TEERA website. It is essential all visitors register at the ride office on arrival. Anyone with any COVID-19 risk factors, as detailed on the COVID-19, declaration, should NOT attend. We may receive a visit from the police to review our COVID safety arrangements.

  2. Given the large number of entries and the extra measures necessary to keep people safe from COVID-19, some things will take longer than usual. We ask that riders exercise patience if they need to wait to vet their horses or to access the ride office.

  3. All people attending are requested to bring their own personal supply of hand sanitiser and to use it regularly during the event.

  4. Please give your logbooks a wipe down with a disinfectant wipe before taking it to the ride office or vet ring.

  5. A yard inspection will be done by the Chief Steward on Friday evening to ensure all yards are compliant with AERA Rule 54.

  6. At the conclusion of the event riders should bag up any leftover hay and manure and take it home.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the weekend.

Mark Dunn

Chief Steward

Jolly Lette ride


Dear TEERA members,

I want to give you an update on the current COVID-19 situation with regard to TEERA.

The bottom line is that it is still too early to speculate on when rides might be able to start up again in Tasmania. The decision to restart will be governed almost completely by when the restrictions imposed by the Tasmanian government are relaxed. This dictates a lot of the decisions that need to be made in regard to memberships, state champs etc. TEERA will continue to discuss all options and will announce any information if necessary. 

You would all be aware of the NW coast cluster of COVID-19 cases - this would be having an impact on the significant proportion of our members who live in that area and my thoughts are with them.

A TEERA representative has been closely involved in COVID-19 discussions at a national level - rest assured AERA is closely monitoring the situation, in particular how it relates to TQ20, still at this stage scheduled for Collie, WA in September. AERA has been discussing options surrounding this event and hopes to make an announcement on this soon.

In the meantime, ride your horses (if the rules allow in your area) so they can be fit and ready for a restart down the track.

Best wishes

Blaine Astell
TEERA President


Dear members

Following the restrictions from the federal government on non essential-activities and non-essential travel TEERA has made the decision to suspend all rides until further notice.
We will continue to monitor and will look to continue with the calendar as soon as we, and the government, determine it is safe to do so.
I sincerely hope all of our members and their families stay safe during these challenging times.

Kind regards
Blaine Astell

Notice to Tasmanian Endurance Clubs - Concussion

Dear Tasmanian endurance riding clubs,

In 2020 much more attention is being paid to the identification and management of concussion than has been the case in previous years.

It is important that your club takes a few minutes to become familiar with the relevant guidelines.

Concussion is a potentially serious condition and as per the concussion advice card riders or support people suspected of concussion must not drive until medically cleared to do so. (Card download)

Officials at an event must:

  • Advise the medical/first aid service at the event of the requirements of the EA concussion protocol and the need to recognise, report and make officials immediately aware of suspected concussions

  • Be aware  when a suspected concussion has occurred

  • Remove the rider or support person from further competition

  • Advise the ROC to identify the “person monitoring” and ensure alternate transport arrangements are available (riders or support people suspected of concussion must not drive)

  • Provide  the “person monitoring” a concussion advice card (where possible) and advise the rider or support person by email of the of the protocol (copy )

  • Report the concussion to

Responsibility for identifying the “person monitoring” and ensuring alternate transport is arranged should be taken on by the ride organising committee as it has access to riders’ emergency person contact details as well as knowing local contacts who can assist with the arrangements.

Under Equestrian Australia General Regulations, all riders suspected of sustaining a concussion, may not ride at another competition for a minimum of 14 days, if aged 18 years or younger, or a minimum of 6 days if aged 19 years or older.

We strongly recommend riders or support people suspected of being concussed seek medical advice and follow a graduated return to sport policy as outlined at

Riders must also obtain a signed medical certificate from their General Practitioner or medical professional, indicating they are free from any impairment resulting from the suspected concussion, and are cleared to ride.

This must be sent via email to myself and and presented to the officials at the next ride.

Further information is available here.

Blaine Astell
TEERA President





3.00 p.m. Saturday 1st February 2020

Sheffield Football Club, Spring St, Sheffield, TAS 7306


  1. To confirm the minutes of the 2019 AGM and the Special General Meeting held 8 June 2019 (Minutes of both meetings available on the TEERA web site – Meetings page)

  2. To receive reports from the Committee and Auditor. (Auditor Treasurer Webmaster)

  3. To elect the Committee members

  4. To appoint the auditors and their remuneration.

  5. Special Business - (Details of motions and rationales are available here)

    To consider five proposals to amend the Rules of the Association, relating to:

  • Rule 5 - Membership of Association - re. Age of Juniors

  • Rule 5 - Membership of Association - re. Associate members

  • Rule 21 – Committee – re. membership of committee

  • Rule 23 – Election of Members of Committee – re. verification of nominations

  • Rule 25 – Committee Meetings – re. make up of quorum

    and to consider a proposal

  • to purchase a ride trailer.

Jill Hawks
